
YouAreLoved01 (258 x 222)无论白天或是黑夜,神总在垂听


作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 9

What time do you go to work? What time does your company close at the end of the day? How many hours is the store where you buy your food open? When it comes to our prayers, time does not matter because God’s ear is always open to our cry. Jesus was known to pray all night, late at night, and sometimes early in the morning before the noises of the day started. In the Old Testament part of the Bible, we are told that David prayed all day and that Daniel prayed at noon. In the New Testament part of the Bible we are told the story of Paul and Silas praying at midnight. Time does not matter to God. And nothing ever happens that surprises God. It is wonderful to know that we have access to God at all times and He never gets tired of our requests. This makes everything look different. Whatever time it is on your watch right now, what a blessing to know that He is listening to our prayers.

Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Vocal version: Edward Short

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