
你相信禱告可以引起改變嗎?PrayerOfRighteous01 (250 x 178)

你相信禱告可以引起改變嗎?聖經舊約中有一個叫大衛的人,他教導人們說,“耶和華的眼目看顧義人;他的耳朵聽他們的呼求”(詩篇 34:15)。新約中有一個叫彼得的人,他引用了同樣的經節提醒他那個時候的人們要記住這個應許,“主的眼看顧義人;主的耳聽他們的祈禱”(彼得前書3:12)。舊約中有一個人叫希西家,他得病快要死了,於是他流着淚一遍又一遍地向神禱告。神給他的回應是,“我聽見了你的禱告,看見了你的眼淚,我必醫治你……我必加增你十五年的壽數”(列王紀下20:5-6)。聖經反覆地告訴我們,我們可以滿有信心及勇氣向神禱告,因為禱告可以改變我們的生活。

作者: Andy Baker
譯者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short


Do you believe that prayer can change things There was a man in the Old Testament part of the Bible named David who taught people that “the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (Psalm 34:15). A man in the New Testament part of the Bible named Peter reminded the people of his day of this very promise and quoted the same verse, “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers” (1 Peter 3:12). There was a man in the Old Testament by the name of Hezekiah. He had an illness that was going to end his life and he tearfully prayed over and over to God. God’s response to him was, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; indeed, I will heal you…I will add fifteen years to your life” (2 Kings 20:5-6). The Bible over and over is trying to tell us that we can pray with confidence and courage because prayer changes things in our lives.

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 24
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

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