
Repent03 (172 x 148)在美国,我认识不少华人来美留学。成绩都很好。我想知道“华人为什么那样认真,那样努力呢?”部分答案是“光宗耀祖”一句。






唐朝诗人孟郊(A.D. 751-814)劝儿女报母爱,他写道:





请您快一点接受神的恩典,快一点“悔改,奉耶稣基督的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,” “光上帝耀耶稣基督。”

“Baptism” 15: God’s Love Produces Repentance
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short

Baptism: God’s Love Produces Repentance
Acts 2:38; Romans 2:4

Several of the university students I know in the United States are from China. Sometimes I wonder why the Chinese make such good grades, and why they study so hard. I believe that part of the answer is found in the phrase “guang zong yao zu,” which means to bring honor to one’s ancestors. (“Honor the ancestors, credit the forbearers” is the literal meaning the phrase.) Chinese see their diligent study and their good grades as honoring their parents and ancestors.

I believe the term “guang zong yao zu” will help us understand the Biblical concept of repentance. (But I will change the phrase “guang zong yao zu” slightly.)

The New Testament often records that Jesus, his apostles and disciples taught that people should repent. For example, the apostle Peter said, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven…” (Acts 2:38).

When Peter said this, Jesus Christ had already suffered, been buried and resurrected. Peter told his audience that God’s grace was right in front of their eyes, but that they should reach out and receive it. Peter emphasized that the way for them to reach out and receive that grace was through repentance and baptism. Peter told them that repentance preceded baptism.

Why repent? What motivates a person to repent?

The Bible affirms that “…all have sinned and fall short” of what God wants us to be (Romans 3:23). The apostle Paul also explains what motivates repentance; he said: “Do you not realize that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4, NRSV).

The poet Meng Jiao (A.D. 751-814), who lived during the Tang Dynasty, encouraged people to repay their mother’s love. Meng wrote:

Needle and thread in a mother’s hand
A wandering child wears the garment she made
Meticulously stitched before he departed
Fearing that he might not return in time
How can one express gratitude for a mother’s love?
Can the grass thank the sun for all its light?

In this poem, Meng Jiao urged children to express thanks to their mother through concrete actions.

Just as a mother’s love causes children to “guang fu yao mu,” to honor their parents (“honor father, credit mother”), so “God loves you” and “Jesus died for you” are strong motivations for us to confess our sins, repent and change our lives.

Are we sorry for our sins? Do we want to repent, to turn our lives around, to make a fresh start? Do we want to become followers of Jesus, and to “guang Shang Di yao Yesu Jidu?” Do we want to honor our true ancestor (God), to “honor God and credit Jesus?”

Please consider the gospel message and then “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven…” and thus “honor God and credit Jesus Christ.””

Meng Jiao’s poem translated by Edward Short

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