
OldMan01 (175 x 211)时间过的真快!很难相信我比去年这时候老了一岁。



Short_Edward_01_GHD_tricycle (184 x 383)也许您可猜想,我的故事还没讲完。乐真、义方长大,成人。乐真在东欧,阿尔巴尼亚结了婚;两三年以后太太和我抱了外孙女。义方也结了婚;两三年以后也给我们孙女。有了孙女,我在社会的阶级自然而然的改了变——我升了级!华人朋友开始叫我爷爷了。问题是我还不觉得我是个爷爷。别人是爷爷——没错!是应该的——他们的年纪到了标准。但是,我这个人——自己不觉得老,所以华人朋友,特别是晚辈们开始称我为“谢爷爷”,我听得很不习惯。不习惯不说,我也不想承认我是“爷爷”。


Short_Edward_02b_1967_ (137 x 234)从小弟升为大哥;从大哥变成叔叔。叔叔变为伯伯。从伯伯升到高峰爷爷的称呼。而且因为有太多的证明,所以不能否认我慢慢地变为老人!实事求是。镜子证明;孙子和外孙证明;月历证明;早上晚间所吃的药丸也证明。我必须接受。


Short_Edward_03_20151113 (135 x 196)您想要获得平安吗?请敬畏创造您的神。您想要长寿吗?请遵守神的诫命。



The Old Man in the Mirror

Time flies, doesn’t it? Hard to believe that it’s December. Hard to believe that Christmas will soon be here. Hard to believe that one year will change into another. Hard to believe that I’m a year older!

I remember when I was 23 years old. After less than a year of marriage, I took my wife and moved from the USA to Asia—just the two of us—where we began to study the Chinese language. We met several Chinese, and little-by-little became friends with them.

In these early days, people older than I called me “xiao di” (little brother), and those younger than I referred to me as “da ge” (older brother)—Older Brother Xie (Xie being the Chinese surname I was given). A couple of years later, Sharon gave birth to our first child—Alethea. After I became a father, friends who were younger than I began to call me “shu shu” (uncle-younger-than-my-father). Three years later my wife gave me our second child—Lewis. I was still referred to as shu shu by our younger friends.

I don’t know how many calendars I had changed, but one day as I was combing my hair, I looked at the man in the mirror (I don’t know who he was!), and noticed that his hair was getting white. It was just about that time that I noticed that Chinese friends younger than I were calling me “bo bo” (uncle-older-than-my-father)—“Xie Bobo”. I wanted to ask Sharon, “Who is Xie Bobo?” but I didn’t dare crack such a joke; I knew who Xie Bobo was! I might as well go ahead and admit it, might as well go ahead and face the reality that the man in the mirror was me and the white hair was mine.

You can probably guess that my little story is not over yet. Alethea and Lewis both grew up and turned into adults. Alethea married in Albania, and two or three years later, Sharon and I held an “outside granddaughter” (child born to one’s daughter). Lewis married also, and within two or three years we had a “granddaughter” (child born to one’s son).

Upon becoming a grandfather, my status in society changed—I graduated into a new level! I became a “ye ye” (grandfather). The problem was that I didn’t consider myself a grandfather. Yes, other people should be called ye ye; they were ready for it and they met the qualifications. But not me. I didn’t consider myself old! So, when my Chinese friends called me Xie Ye Ye, I couldn’t get used to it. Not only was I not used to it, I didn’t want to admit that I was a ye ye.

Perhaps all this sounds very strange to you. But you should remember that I’m an American. The way Americans look at things is different from the way Chinese look at them; Americans don’t admit to being old. When an elderly American man hears someone say, “Hey, old man,” he may get angry. Perhaps he’ll even ask the person, “Who is old? Not I!” Americans fondly remember their youth and they don’t look forward to getting old. So when I hear someone say, “Xie Ye ye,” I’m not at all used to it.

From “xiao di” to “da ge;” from “da ge” to “shu shu.” From “shu shu” to “bo bo.” From “bo bo” to the highest level of nomenclature—ye ye. And since there are so many proofs, the facts became undeniable—I’m getting old. “Seek truth from facts,” the Chinese say, and the facts are plain. The mirror proves it; grandchildren prove it; the calendar proves it; my daily medications—morning and night—prove it, so I might as well accept it—I’m getting old!

I bet you’d like to know why I’m telling you all this. It’s because I now realize how precious time is. We should make the best use of time that we can, as the clock will not wait for anyone. The Bible records a lot of wisdom, and the Bible tells us to “Remember your creator in the days of your youth…” (Ecclesiastes 12:1, NRSV). A certain king in the Bible exhorts us to rely on God throughout our lives; he said, “I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalms 37:25). The book of Proverbs encourages us to obey God’s commandments, because “length of days and years of life and abundant welfare they will give you” (3:2). He continues to describe the wisdom of God when he says, “Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace” (3:16-17).

Do you want to find peace? Reverence the God who made you. Do you want to live a long time? Obey God’s commandments.

I hope you and I both will determine to renew our commitment to God, to listen to him and to obey him. Then we can look courageously at the person in the mirror and admit who he is!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

The Old Man in the Mirror
作者:谢德华 By ©Edward Short


生命之光广播电台 © 2022