
Short #20 (172 x 246)我发现在全世界上很多地方天天都有人学习《圣经》,认识耶稣基督。其中有人很想要成为基督徒,只不过他们不知道要做什么才能成为基督徒。听友和读者,如果您心里想知道需要做什么才成为基督徒,那就是我以下要说的。

《圣经》教导我们说,成为基督徒,先要相信。相信什么呢?相信天上只有一位真神。相信《圣经》是他的话,耶稣是他的儿子。耶稣藉着童女马利亚降世成为有血有肉的人。长大以后,开始传福音,但是耶稣把道传了三年以后,按照神从亘古的计划,耶稣被不良的人钉十字架,杀了。(“上帝把这个人交给了你们,而你们却在恶人的帮助下,把他钉死在十字架上了。上帝知道这将会发生。这是按照他已决定的计划发生的” (使徒行传2:23 普通话本)。)第三天耶稣胜过死亡,从死里复活了。这是基督徒都深信的。“然而,上帝却让他起死回生,把他从死亡的痛苦中解脱出来,因为他不可能受到死的束缚” (使徒行传2:24 普通话本。)


成为基督徒的过程中包括我们要承认耶稣为神的儿子,就如使徒彼得承认耶稣的神性,说:“你是永生神的儿子”(马太福音16:16)。意思包括说耶稣就是神(请参看约翰福音1:1, 8:58;马太福音26:63-64,27:43;马可福音14:61-62;路加福音22:69-71;罗马书1:4,9:5)。

BaptismP06为了成为基督徒,我们还要受洗——与耶稣基督一同埋葬、一同复活——洗去我们的罪,归入耶稣(如罗马书6:1-4并且歌罗西书2:12所说的)。当我们受洗时,神不但赦免我们的罪,把圣灵赐给我们,而且他还把我们加入他属灵的家,就是他的教会。使徒彼得说:“你们个人要悔改,奉耶稣的名受洗,叫你们的罪得赦,就必领受所赐的圣灵”(使徒行传2:38 和合本)。(按照原文,受洗是全身投入水中的浸礼的意思。)

成为基督徒以后,要按照神的话和耶稣的教训过日子。使徒包罗说:“…既然蒙了上帝的呼召,就要过与所蒙的呼召相称的生活”(以弗所书4:1 当代中文译本)。(请参看以弗所书4:1至6:24。)


How Does One Become a Christian?

Many people in the world today study the Bible in order to know Jesus Christ. Some of these people want to become Christians but they do not know how. How does a person become a Christian?

Belief is a basic requirement, but what must one believe? That God exists and there is but one God. That the Bible is his word and Jesus is his Son. Jesus came to earth by being born of Mary who was a virgin. Jesus grew up and he preached for three years. According to the plan that God formed in the most ancient times, Jesus was crucified by lawless men (see Acts 2:23). On the third day, however, Jesus arose from the grave; this is a deep conviction of Christians (see Acts 2:24).

What is the appropriate response to the love, suffering and resurrection of Jesus? We should repent of all wrongdoing—the Bible calls it “sin” —and return to God. God’s love leads us to repent; see Romans 2:4. Repentance means to change one’s heart, mind and life. It involves saying “I’m sorry!” to both God and people. “Repent or perish,” said Jesus in Luke 13:3.

Becoming a Christian also includes confessing Jesus as God’s Son, as Peter did in Matthew 16:16. This means that Jesus is God; see John 1:1, 8:58; Matthew 26:63-64, 27:43; Mark 14:61-62; Luke 22:69-71; Romans 1:4, 9:5.

Short #20 (345 x 492)To become a Christian one must be baptized—be buried with Jesus and raised again, washing away one’s sins and entering into Jesus; see Romans 6:1-4 and Colossians 2:12. When we are baptized, God not only forgives our sins and gives us the Holy Spirit, he also adds us to his spiritual family the church; see Acts 2:38. (The meaning of “baptize” in the original language is immersion.)

After becoming a Christian, we must live according to God’s word and the teachings of Jesus; see Ephesians 4:1. (Read the entire section of Ephesians 4:1 through 6:24.)

Please do not delay! Believe, repent, confess, be baptized and become a Christian! May God bless you!

Picture is from The Life of Christ by Chinese Artists 我主圣传——华画师描。Published England in 1939 by The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel; there is no indication of copyright.

FAQ’s About Christianity (15): How Does One Become a Christian?
作者:谢德华 ©By Edward Short
生命之光广播电台 © 2022