
谢德华(Edward Short) 的儿子义方、甜美 (Lewis & Tammy Short) 一家人从非洲坦桑尼亚回来美国做一些和教会有关的事工。期间也到我们中华基督教会证道,讲了在坦桑尼亚的事工和需求。他们目前在坦桑尼亚帮助建立教会诊所和学校,并帮助那里的人认识上帝。











God’s Messengers—Pioneers of Civilization
By Jingqiong (Katty) Kang, M.D., Ph.D.

Lewis and Tammy Short (son and daughter-in-law of Edward and Sharon Short) and their sweet family, returned to the United States from Tanzania to do some church-related ministry. During the period, I went to the Middle Tennessee Chinese Church of Christ and heard Lewis preach about the ministry in Tanzania, and the needs there. The Shorts are currently helping to establish a church, a clinic and a school in Tanzania; and they are helping people there to know God.

Lewis and Tammy are both in their forties. Lewis is fluent in at least four or five languages, including English, Chinese, Italian, French, and Swahili. Tammy is a nurse who has a registered nurse license and work experience in the United States. They are all authentic Americans who, by their ability, could have lived a very comfortable life in the United States. That is what most people yearn for, including a good income and a stable life. They want to send their children to learn a variety of talents and enjoy sports and join clubs. They spend weekends with friends and enjoying various forms of entertainment. The Lewis Short family, however, chose to leave their 70-year-old parents and go far away to Africa, which is very poor and backward, full of disease and has a lack of medicine. Their children also lack American friends of the same age.

What made them make such a choice?

Most of us [who came to the USA from foreign countries], endured several years of study, preparation for TOEFL (Testing of English as a Foreign Language), GRE (Graduate Record Exam), etc, all in order to obtain a visa to the United States. We came in order to pursue better education, career opportunities, and to better ourselves; most of us will say that we did this at a great sacrifice.

But the people of Tanzania are truly blessed. The gospel of life from God has been brought to them by Lewis and Tammy and the many other similar messengers of God. These blessings are not only physical, but—more importantly—also include metaphysical and spiritual blessings.

Because of the arrival of these angelic people, and because the establishment of the clinic, diseases are healed; because the school was established, children enter school; because of Bible study, students’ minds are opened to wisdom.

Seeing the Lewis Short family, I also thought those many missionaries who came to China in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, such as Stuart, Ricci, and Dai Desheng [Hudson Taylor]— people who came from the West to poor and backward China to start universities and hospitals such as Yanjing University and Union Hospital. Dedicating their lives to China and guiding people to believe in God, people were born again. In the case of Dai Desheng [Hudson Taylor], he could have lived as a wealthy doctor in the UK, but he felt the call of God to preach in China. He therefore lived a simple and hard life, expressed concern to patients, and practiced love. The father of Hudson’s girlfriend, did not want his daughter to marry and move to China, so Taylor had to cancel his marriage contract. And his own mother, on the dock at his departure to China, gave a heartbreaking cry as mother and son parted amidst her pain and worry!! This young man gave up his talented future in order to go to the poverty and backwardness of war-torn China. He established the China Inland Mission and called the missionaries from the West to participate in Chinese ministry. He preached in China for 52 years; his wife suffered from cholera and they buried three of their children there.

Hudson Taylor gave his heart to China and devoted his youth, talent and love to China and the Chinese. His father-in-law, Mr. Taiyol, was also an early missionary to China. He improved the Chinese movable type and improved printing efficiency. Mr. Taylor raised the power of all parties to run schools, build hospitals, and help people know God. It is worth mentioning that due to the efforts of his family and his family, the British government completely stopped the export of Chinese opium in 1917. But today people may not know Taylor’s contribution and the impact on Chinese life.

Let us return to the topic of Lewis and Tammy. Although the size of the school and clinic they are currently helping to establish in Tanzania may not be as large as the Yanjing University and the Union Hospital were at that time. But they are spreading the seeds of civilization in Africa, and these seeds will take root and sprout and produce fruit. I think that countless outstanding talents in China’s modern history have been influenced by the church. Our well-known cultural masters such as Bing Xin and Zheng Zhenze have been influenced by the love of Christ in their works. As the Bible says, “All nations will be blessed through you.” “God raised up his Servant and first sent him to you to free you from sin and bless you.”

Regardless of how history judges, or how these missionaries are misunderstood or accepted, or perhaps even their work is distorted because of the ideology of the authorities. But history will give credit to those who truly make efforts and contributions toward the process of human civilization. Let us all be grateful to those angels who have accepted the mission of God and who carry the gospel to the world–those in the past, present and future.

欢迎来信: smzg@smzg.org

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