


因為他代表神,所以弟兄姐妹樂意地聆聽傳道人的講道詞。因為他代表神說話,所以,傳道人時常要記得他自己也需要神的鼓勵和責備。雖然講話的是他,但是信息不是他的,乃是神的。所以傳道人要做充分的準備。多多地讀經,多多地學習,多多的自我反省,多多地禱告。修心、修身後,他才能夠按照聖經所說的:“講道的,應當按着神的聖言講”(彼得前書4:11),以及“你應當竭力在 神面前作一個蒙稱許、無愧的工人,正確地講解真理的道”(提摩太後書2:15)。



聖經好像一面鏡子,讓我們看到我們個人的真面目。並且糾正我們。保羅說道:“全部聖經都是 神所默示的,在教訓、責備、矯正和公義的訓練各方面,都是有益的,為要使屬 神的人裝備好,可以完成各樣的善工。”[提摩太後書3:16-17]。因此,主日敬拜聚會的講道詞常常幫助我們做徹底的自我檢討。

新約希伯來書形容神的話,說:“ 神的道是活的,是有效的,比一切兩刃的劍更鋒利,甚至可以刺入剖開靈與魂,關節與骨髓,並且能夠辨明心中的思想和意念。被造的在 神面前沒有一樣不是顯明的,萬有在他的眼前都是赤露敞開的;我們必須向他交帳”(希伯來書4:12-13)。這句話告訴我們,研讀神的話不等於看小說,不等於看電影,不等於聆聽神話故事,不等於研讀一般文學。沒有錯,基督徒以感恩的態度聚會,所以都很開心。有時,連傳道人都會開開玩笑。但是,敬拜神又是一件非常嚴肅的場合。神永恆的話是活的不是死的。神的話時常讓我們認識到自己有罪,叫我們悔改,所以基督徒非常重視和敬畏神的話。

基督徒最大的責任之一是順服神。如果不知道,不明白神的話,神的誡命,怎麼能夠順服神呢?如果不學習神的話,怎麼能夠明白神的話呢?從此可知,星期天,主日聚會,是很好的機會學習及明白神的話。同時我們也獲得鼓勵和力量使得我們在散會之後,把神的話“活 出來”,把它應用在我們日常生活上。


Why Christians Attend Worship Every Sunday
09: To Read and Study the Bible
By Edward Short

Christians call Sunday “the Lord’s day,” meaning the day which belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ. The worship assembly that Christians attend on the Lord’s day includes reading and studying God’s Word (the Bible). During the service, a preacher or an elder will usually explain a portion of the Bible. The purpose of exposition of Scripture is to enable those assembled to understand God’s Word, and to receive encouragement, comfort and affirmation, or perhaps reprimand and correction.

Since the minister speaks on behalf of God, the congregation willingly listens to what he says. Since he speaks on behalf of God, the minister himself must remember that he too needs both encouragement and reprimand from God. Although it’s he who speaks, the message is not his own, rather is God’s. The preacher therefore must make ample preparation. He should read the Bible passages over and over, study them thoroughly, make a candid self-examination and apply the Scriptures to himself, and he should pray a lot. After he has worked on his own moral character and lifestyle, then he can preach according to the Bible admonition, “Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God…” (1 Peter 4:11), and also “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

The purpose of this brief article, however, is not to discuss the preacher, but rather the book that the preacher explains—the Bible. Why do Christians enjoy listening to sermons? Why do Christians enjoy studying the Bible? Why should Christians attend Sunday worship and receive Bible instruction? Let’s allow the Bible itself to answer these questions.

The Bible is the compass of life for Christians, so we agree with what one Biblical author said in praise to God, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalms 119:105). Being so, we should allow the Bible to lighten our path constantly.

The Bible is like a mirror which enables us to see ourselves as we really are; then the Bible corrects us. Paul said: “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This is the reason that the sermon during a worship service on Sunday causes us to make a thorough self-examination.

The book of Hebrews in the New Testament describes the word of God this way: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account” (4:12-13). From this we can see that reading the Bible is not like reading a novel, not like viewing a movie, not like listening to a fairy tale, and it isn’t like reading other normal literature. It’s correct that Christians enter a worship service with an attitude of thanksgiving, so they’re happy and their hearts appear light. Sometimes the preacher may even tell a joke in his sermon. However, worshiping God is a very serious matter. God’s eternal word is living not dead. God’s word convicts us of sin, and commands us to repent, so Christians pay strict attention to and deeply respect the word of God.

Every Christian’s most important responsibility is to obey God. If one doesn’t know God’s word, if one doesn’t understand God’s commandments, how can he obey God? If he doesn’t study God’s word, how can he understand it? Hence we see how important it is for Christians to take part in the assembly each Sunday where they can study and learn God’s word. At the same time, we receive strength and encouragement so that, after we leave the assembly, we can “live” God’s word as we apply it to our daily lives.

You are invited to participate in a Christian worship assembly each Lord’s day. Worship God, study his word, the Bible, and in so-doing gain the encouragement and strength you need to live a holy Christian life.

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