
PrayerOfRighteous01 (250 x 178)



你知道这意味着什么吗?这意味着你我现在,或是任何时候,在任何地点都可以向神祷告。但也许你会说,“我不知道该怎么祷告。” 练习啊。首先从那些影响你生活的事说起,向神倾诉。你要想做得好就必须多练习。


作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 17

Where do you think God is? Do you think He knows you and me personally? Do you think God works in our lives? Hasn’t there got to be a purpose for our lives and something that can help us find out the real meaning of our lives? Let me tell you what I have realized about God. You and I do not have to go to a temple or a synagogue or a church building or even be in a certain city or country to be in the presence of God. Would you be shocked to know that God doesn’t live inside anything or inside anywhere? You are near God right now, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You know what that means? It means that you and I can pray to God right now, anytime and anywhere. But you might say, “I do not know how to pray.” Practice. Start talking with God about the things going on that is affecting your life. You only get good at things when you practice. Practice praying. Pray a prayer of thanks when you eat food. Pray for a few minutes when you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. Pray silently all day about things that you see and hear about that need God’s help. The Bible says we can pray with boldness and courage about the world in which we live and about our lives.

Sweet Hour of Prayer /17
Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Audio version: Edward Short

生命之光广播电台 © 2022