

PrayerOfRighteous05 (240 x 202)我们在患难中可以做的最为有益的一件事就是向神祷告。这祷告不需要华丽的词藻,或者花上很长的时间。祷告就是表达你灵魂的真挚愿望。祷告可以说出来,也可以不说。你可以静静地只在心里想。祷告可以是私下的也可以是公开的。它应该是涉及个人的。事实上,问题越大越深,我们就越应该多祷告。你知道吗,在祷告时是可以向神许下诺言的?但是我们必须信守承诺。当神赐福我们时,我们一定要记得感谢神。我在旧约中读到大卫在众多患难中都行得正。在那些日子里,“大卫倚靠耶和华他的上帝,心里坚固”(撒母耳记上30:6)。这对于我们欢喜倚靠神是多么大的鼓励啊!因此,当你遇到患难时,记得要祷告。

作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 5

One of the most beneficial things we can do in the middle of troubles is pray to God. It doesn’t have to be fancy words or take a long time to do. Prayer is an expression of your soul’s sincere desires. It can be spoken or unspoken. It can be silent and just in your mind. Prayer can be private or public. It ought to be personal. In fact, the bigger and deeper the problem, the more fervently we should pray. Did you know its OK to make a promise to God when you pray? But we better keep our promises that we make. And when God blesses us, we need to remember to thank Him. I read in the Old Testament part of the Bible about David being right in the middle of a lot of troubles. During that time, “David strengthened himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). What an encouragement to rest in the joy of all that God is. So when you troubles come your way, remember to pray.

Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Vocal version: Edward Short

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