
PrayerOfRighteous06 (240 x 204)可以随处祷告吗?


作者: Andy Baker
译者: Wang Jing
播音: Edward Short

Sweet Hour of Prayer / 1

Did you know that you could pray with your eyes open? Did you know you do not have to be in a church or a temple or a mosque or even inside of any building to pray? The man, Jesus Christ, did not own a house and did not have an indoor place to pray. He would go to mountains, to a desert or to a wilderness. He would go to any solitary place where he could get away from the noises of life. God heard the prayer of Daniel from a den of lions and He heard David from a cave. Peter was on a ship and Hezekiah was sick in bed. Let me give you something to do today when you pray. Choose a time today to look for things around you that you have to be thankful for and when you pray keep your eyes open and look around you for things for which you can thank God. Make a list. It might surprise you, even when you have things you could complain about, all the things you have to be thankful for. Praying to God and looking at life remembering that God is sitting on the throne ruling the world, makes everything look differently. Let’s pray. Remember to keep your eyes open.

Author: Andy Baker
Translator: Wang Jing
Vocal version: Edward Short

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