Dale Ward 在萬里長城的喜樂

Dale Ward04 (200 x 150)2006年10月10日生命之光廣播電台的節目部經理,Dale R. Ward,去世。生命之光的同仁都很懷念這位領導人。Dale很有創造力和藝術感。1996年11月我陪他和我們廣播電台的總裁,Charles Caudill,去中國旅遊時,一路上Dale都很興奮。因為他動過手術,換了人工股骨頭,Dale走路不太方便。因此,他時常坐者輪椅,由我來推。無論我們去哪裡,Dale都很高興,很快樂,很積極。他不會因為坐着輪椅而覺得不好意思。我們碰到誰,Dale就跟誰打招呼。我們參觀博物館等地方,如果有輪椅,Dale就用。那時候,外國觀光客沒有像今天那麼多,坐輪椅的並不多,所以Dale時常被別人注意到的。但是,Dale不以為怪,不以為難,更不覺得不好意思。







父母親請Dale讓小孩子跟他合照。新郎新娘獲得了Dale的祝福,跟他合照。女孩子,男孩子都想跟着這位身材高大的美國人一塊照相。不知道今天中國幾本相冊裡面都有Dale Ward的相片!



Memories of Dale Ward /02:
Fun at the Great Wall of China

Dale Ward, Executive Producer for World Christian Broadcasting, passed from this life on October 10, 2006. All staff members of World Christian Broadcasting miss our producer.

Dale was very creative and artistic. In November, 1996, I accompanied Dale, and the president of World Christian Broadcasting, Charles Caudill, on a trip to China. How happy Dale was the entire trip! As he had had a hip replacement, however, and as walking was somewhat difficult for Dale, when a wheelchair was available, someone would push him in it. Dale was excited wherever we went, but he was never embarassed to be seen in a wheelchair. He greeted everyone.

Although Dale sometimes used a wheelchair, don’t think he couldn’t walk. Whenever he needed to walk, it was not a problem; he walked! He even negotiated steps without great difficulty, but those of us who knew him well, knew that it was painful for him. No matter how painful, he endured it.

I recall that while we were in Beijing, we all wanted to visit the Great Wall. We took a car to Badaling, and mounted the Wall from there. Perhaps you understand that Americans hear about the “Great Wall of China” all their lives, and to have an opportunity to visit it in person is the realization of a life-long dream. Dale was no exception, and he was as happy as anyone to visit the Great Wall. The problem, however, was that since he had trouble walking, he couldn’t negotiate the steep incline and innumerable steps of the Great Wall.

There’s one thing I haven’t mentioned yet: Dale was a very large man. He weighed about 150 kilograms, which meant that even a wheelchair would not help him on the Great Wall. The realization of a life-long dream was at hand, but he couldn’t grasp it.

Was this a problem for Dale? A disappointment? Did he think that the money, time and strength it took to go to the Great Wall were all wasted? Was he jealous of the rest of us who could walk more easily and who would be able to mount this world famous Wall? No, not at all!

There happened to be a bench at the entrance which was also at a low point on the Wall. Dale took his seat on the bench and told the rest of us to go on and have our fun, and that he would still be right there when we returned. I’ve already mentioned that it was November, so I need not remind you that in north China in November the weather is very cold. Because Dale was so a large man, however, cold had never bothered him, so he just sat and sunned himself on the bench, and admired the indescribably beautiful Great Wall of China. Dale was happy as could be! His life-long dream had been realized.

But my story isn’t complete yet! A couple of hours later, the rest of us returned to where Dale was sitting, only to learn that he had been one busy man during our absence. A large foreigner such as himself had not gone unnoticed by the Chinese. Even though Dale couldn’t speak Chinese, he knew that everyone was giving him the eye. Since his bench was long enough, lots of people wanted to take advantage of the rare opportunity and sit with him—and get their picture taken! They weren’t sure whether this was appropriate or not, and they didn’t know how to ask. Dale was a pretty smart guy though, so he knew what they were thinking, so he smiled and beckoned with his hand, and invited each one to sit with him.

One-by-one, parents brought their children for photos. Then came a newly married couple, and Dale gave them his blessings along with the photo op. Boys and girls, old and young, all wanted to have their photo taken with this Big-and-Tall American. I wonder how many family photo albums in China today prominently display a photo of Dale Ward!

Even though Dale never climbed the Great Wall of China, the Great Wall gave him an unforgettable and very happy experience. And Dale made other people happy in the process.

Dale was a Christian, and all that Dale did that day at the Great Wall, including the kind spirit and great attitude that he exhibited, was an example of his Christian philosophy of life. If Dale were able to speak to you today, I’m sure he would encourage you to read the Bible, and to get to know the true God who created us all.

懷念Dale Ward (二):  在萬里長城喜的樂
Memories of Dale Ward /02: Fun at the Great Wall of China
作者:謝德華 By Edward Short
©World Christian Broadcasting
Franklin, Tennessee 37067, USA


生命之光廣播電台 © 2022